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Quick Q John

What is the new fluxbox theme and Monkey Webserver fix?

The new theme is shown here:
I hacked it together from a theme named yetigray, to pay homage to the original author I named it 'zetygrey'.

The bug in Monkey was because I had the wrong path to the config file in dsl 0.5.2 -- nothing wrong with the server it self, just my error.

Hey  John,

Sorry for the downtime on the mirror :(  Our apt. lease was up, and the cable internet took forever to get installed at our new house.  We will be here for a year atleast, maybe more, so no more downtime :)


Downloads on for january 2004 :

0.5.2.iso => 577 times => 2417 times

Total download => 17.813 Gb

So if you think that nobody use DSL are Wrong!

Regards ,


Do Anyone have an idea how many times DSL is downloaded on all the servers ?

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