Site News :: 0.4.9 is out
wow, never seen that -- going to test on my laptop now. md5sum check out ok?
Here is a script that checks the quality of a burn:
blocksize=`isoinfo -d -i $device | grep "^Logical block size is:" | cut -d " " -f 5`
if test "$blocksize" = ""; then
echo catdevice FATAL ERROR: Blank blocksize >&2
blockcount=`isoinfo -d -i $device | grep "^Volume size is:" | cut -d " " -f 4`
if test "$blockcount" = ""; then
echo catdevice FATAL ERROR: Blank blockcount >&2
command="dd if=$device bs=$blocksize count=$blockcount conv=notrunc,noerror"
echo "$command" >&2
To use it:
rawread /dev/cdrom | md5sum
Seen the Xserver shutdown bug, it happens when you select Xfbdev and don't select the scroll. Working on the fix. Also, the scroll option will only work with /dev/psaux.
Hrm, I'll check the file and everything, thanks for the info 
Dakrone, remind me to ask you to pretest the upcoming release. This is an annoying bug, turns out it affects both Servers.
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