Site News :: DSL 1.3 is out!
Robert did an enormous amount of work under the hood and the testing crew did an excellent job working with him to test the new features. I think they will be very popular. Be sure to read Robert's notes on safely transitioning from 1.2.x to 1.3.
For this release we chose Ke4nt's theme which featured Lasse Kongo's beautiful "The elephants trip" wallpaper.
One note for cdw, use the space bar to select files, the rest of the controls are fairly intuitive.
This is a very significant release. One of the largest change logs ever for DSL.
Still there is much more to do. And to look forward to.
I would like to extend thanks to many for their suggestions and contributions for this release in no particular order:
cbagger for his improvements to the pendrive hdd program.
friedgold for the stripping suggestion
b1ackmai1er for reporting typos and the Xvesa bug
orge for reporting the 2 button mouse bug
drx456 for reporting the error on changing passwords
noclobber for reporting the eth0 disable pon bug
mikshaw for reporting the null menu bug
katsiki for reporting the xsetup typos
alfille for reporting the dsl-embedded qemu linux bug
I also want to thank the testing team of Kent, Chris, SaidenUnleashed, for putting up with my almost daily builds. Their feedback often shapes the end result.
Robert really put his heart & soul into these new features for DSL-1.3
Hats off to a big, big effort by "Team DSL" ,
keeping track of all of these improvements,
and coordinating all of the 14 pre-releases and fixes..
This is a very HOT release, packed full of new features..
In doing so , very few compromises were made from earlier versions.
More bang, more DSL, and an even smaller .iso size !!
SO... Consider this when posting your findings about DSL-1.3 ..
There is no way we could test every extension, with every feature,
in every type of install and setup, on every type of media, and with
all the possible partition combinations..
( our initial testing grid had 140+ combinations of installs and features )
Something is bound to behave differently with this many changes..
So, if you find something peculiar, or out of the ordinary,
in your setup, or the type of install you are used to operating with,
( which will happen, I'm sure.. )
let us know, by posting about it ... and we'll work on a remedy...
Already , many more things to look forward to in future versions.
The work progresses onward..
Nice Job, guys..
thank you, merci, ευχαριστώ, falemnderit
Great work, DSL just keeps on getting better and better!
aterm is a welcome addition and the icon layout manager is a very nice touch. 
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