Site News :: DSL 1.2 is out!
Go grab the latest and the greatest release of this mini-marvel.
insert Obligatory first post
insert Obligatory words of gratitude
insert Obligatory praises to DSL and crew
New version, new luck?
(yes i need (allot of) luck in linux)
For those of you who wisely chose a frugal install..
1. Boot with the toram option
2. download the latest dsl-1.2.iso,
3. Become the root user ( sudo su )
4. Make an iso directory ( mkdir /mnt/iso )
5. mount the iso ( mount -t iso9660 -o loop dsl-1.2.iso /mnt/iso)
6. copy over the new KNOPPIX file from
/mnt/iso/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX, to wherever your frugal is installed
( e.g. /mnt/hda2/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX )
7. Shutdown/Reboot
8. Enjoy your new, upgraded DSL distro.
I guess I picked a good day to get sick and have to come home!
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