Site News :: Geek Auctions
Hi John,
Any plans to add a link to the auction site from the main DSL page? The only link I'm familiar with is the one in this thread, and the only other mention of the market that I've seen is in a post at the DSL blog. Seems like a newcomer would only find these if they thought to do a search for "auction" or stumbled across them while browsing the forum or the blog, and I'm worried that the market might languish because not enough people know about it.
(I'm not just asking because I just posted a bunch of items for sale.
I'm just hoping others will have the opportunity to sell as well as buy and a link on the main page should increase traffic at the market.)
Oops! I just saw the "Geek Auctions!" link on the forum pages. Excellent idea. I do think a link on the main page would be helpful as well.
Will the auction ever support other currencies (as I'm in the UK £ GBP)? Anyway, if I need to rid of some PC junk, er I mean Gold, then I know where to go (although my postal restriction would be to UK addresses only).
I didn't add it to the index page, but I added it to the FireFox start page -- this should bring in some new visitors.
Libretto, that would be a handy hack -- I'll look into it. You can in the mean time just just note that the price is in Pounds until I get around to hacking the script.
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