I can not say enuf good things about it, it is just awesome.
Once again, John, Roberts, and Ke4nt come through with flying colours.
I am very appreciative of all the hard work, time, and effort that has gone into this fine distro.
Thank you very much.
I hope you keep up the great work!!!Am posting this right now from embedded 1.0rc1
Very nice. I like the new themes and icons and the new MyDSL Gui.
I understand the minimal theme concerns for people with old / mono hardware and also it is nice to have a "bright" theme for computers with dim monitors. However, "Lawn" isn't too bad in the brightness category.
A couple of observations on the MS Word Viewer / Converter
(1) It doesn't seem to like my test Word document filename. This filename contains spaces, ( and ) characters and [ and ] characters.
(2) Could the viewer/converter have a simplified version or mode of operation where you pass the filename from the command line? In this way, you could Associate the *.doc filetype to the MS Word viewer command "viewit %f" in emelfm.
Keep up the good work.
Oh yeah, someone out there should see if they can find a (small) purplish skin for XMMS. If you choose this skin it would look really cool along with the new themes.
Quote (joer @ Mar. 08 2005,21:02)
Doesn't purple have a bad conotation?
Linux = Geeks Geeks = Purple connotations
(Well, the connotation that most people I know attach to purple... maybe your connotations are different)You ever get one of those feelings, where you know something has happened but you can't shake it? Today, after editing the usr/bin/enhance file, dsl crapped out on me. X wouldn't start, my backup got trashed, and I had to start fresh. Then while thinking I should try another distro (A friend suggested kanotix) and trying to rebuild my bookmark database by bookmarking the dsl site, lo and behold, 1.0 comes out....Thanks again!
I find the new DSL 1.0rc1 being great! I have made a remaster with my favourite themes (although I find the new themes in DSL very good) and is running it now from an usb-drive. Some nice music fits nicely on the drive also to enjoy wherever I am at present. If someone is looking for a nice theme for XMMS to go with DSL as is, I have found that cobalt-obscura looks very nice. To those complaining about the themes I just want to say: "Make your own remaster and put whatever themes you like in it! It's a piece of cake!" With this I humbly take off my hat for those who have worked hard to release this version of DSL!