Site News :: DSL 1.0rc1!
There are all sorts of improvements and waist cleaning in this release. Robert worked his magic, and Kent did his usual painstaking debugging. We also got together on presenting some new looks. I hope you all enjoy!
So I've got 1.0rc1 (frugally installed on CF + toram + mini-ITX). Perfection.
This is simply beautiful. All of the above; the DSL, the frugal, the toram, the mini-ITX build,
are owed to this site. Brilliant work, thanks. AND 0.5 Mb off the iso!!! Unbelievable.
Is there any proper meaning to the 'rc1' in the release number?
Anyway, hope to get my mini-itx box running as a proper server with 1.0 soon 
rc1 probably means release candidate one?
This looks great. I love the default theme. This is a distro release truely worthy of the 1.0 version number. Thank you John, Robert and Kent for all your hard work. I, as a user, really appreciate it.
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