Site News :: dsl 0.9.3
I can't make it any easier than it is. It is right on the menu. System->AddUsers
I agree :-)
The trouble is - on the liveCD at least - the user is created, the home directory is made, yet I cannot su to that new user. My version is 0.9.1
I am trying to add user postgres to the CD to make a working postgresql extension - either a dsl or tar.gz.
I will try your suggestion of editing the /etc/init.d/ssh_addusers
BTW I tried putting the path to the bookmarks.html file in filetool.lst in home/dsl and did a backup, but the bookmarks file is not restored.
What am I doing wrong?
DO you think I am better off doing these in a HDD install raher than a liveCD and then transfer to the liveCD?
Hard Drive installs are strange to me, in that one can write all over the place.
I stick with live cd distro's, with a usb stick for some outside extras. Right now, I am running Firefox off the usb stick, with Knoppix 3.7 on the CD. I change up every so often. Big shock of the day was running Puppy Linux. I'll never get over that...

original here.