Site News :: DSL Blogs
The Drupal software is good for articles as well as blogging so I changed the url to broaden it's scope.
New URL:
If you are keen on writing any type of light Linux articles let me know.
Is there any way to make a < or a > character in a blog entry? I had an entry all made, but wherever I had an <F7> written, I got a blank spot. Putting it in a code section didn't help.
I converted them all to square brackets. Probably not much help to you....
You might be able to use HTML code, though that's even more work:
< or < = <
> or > = >
mikshaw, thanks, the < and > worked. I had tried < but I was missing the semicolin.
isn't it somehow a double of the forum?
people probably cannot post twice.
It may drain info and hints from the forum pages..that are so important to dsl development..
anyway. congrats for the blog, that for sure is another step forward in dsl history

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