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*agrees with roadie*
*repeats his suggestion of diminuitively sized linux*
I would vote for "DSL Linux."
Why not go for the urban scene with Dat Small Linux? 
I'm also sad because I don't like living in a world where you can hear and see anykind of bad things just opening you home's door or turning on the television, but you MUST be polite when it comes to small things. I call it hypocrisy.
Nevertheless, clivesay put it on the practical ground. if the name, incredibly, is somehow stopping or slowing the growth of dsl, let's change slightly the name and keep the acronym.
But please let's take a name that has something to do with the distro...
so I vote for the suggested ones:
Dwarf Sized Linux and Down-Sized Linux.

For all the Damn Small devotee's out there I think you can rest assured that John is not changing the overall name of the distro. I haven't seen any indication that is his intension. All he has done is put a conservative frontend 'dslos' on the distro for people who could feel uncomfortable sending someone to
Hey, I agree that the word 'damn' is not that big a deal although I make it a point to not use any such words in front of my own children.
John is taking the middle road to help bring more people into DSL. I think that is really all that needs to be said.
Let's get back to tweaking and enjoying DSL. Would be great if many of you would come to IRC for lively discussion such as this. 
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