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I've been having a hard time sleeping laity because I feel like I've had a corrupting effect on the world with my use of the word 'damn'.
I've done a search in Google and I've realized that the nearly half million references to this project -- all of which with the word 'damn' in it! This is truly reprehensible. In my shame I've put together an alternative website, one void of that awful word.
Yeah, that's tongue and cheek, but is real, and should help some of you out.
Rest easy....
Your good works far exceed atonement for the use of the word...
Nice touch ..
Desktop Small Linux?
I hope this isn't permanent.
shoulda gone with Dreadfully Small Linux.
(and I know this is for the NFPs and easily offended people out there, I'm going along with the sarcasm)
But is it running on monkey? 
Also I think DSL is very ambiguous, because DSL also means Digital Subscriber Line, and however you search anything about here, you find a lot of Digital Subscriber Line information
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