Site News :: new release 0.8.3

I think one can boot up 0.8.3 and use a restoration tarball "backup.tar.gz" from 0.8.2 and get all your setting back, if you had a fairly extensive filetool.lst in
Here's mine:
Also, if you get the "three-item" menu, that only has xterm, restart and exit, then you need to make sure you have restored your "good" tarball into your running DSL system, and then if the menu won't pick up, restart the window manager with Menu -> WindowManager -> Restart. Be sure you don't "backup" without first getting everything running right, Menu, Fluxbox style, your sylpheed and dialup settings. If necessary, copy your old, good tarball to a backup like this
cp backup.tar.gz good_backup.tar.gz to keep it from being overwritten as you
work all this out. Good idea also is to save it on a couple of devices, not just one. I use a pen drive, sda1, and a hard drive partition, hda1
All of the MyDSL extensions that you download need to go on the backup device(s) in an /optional directory, and then when you restore from that device, all of the extensions will be picked up by DSL.
I put all of mine in the root of the CD in my remaster, but that has the downside of making the bootup a little long, especially if you have some big
MyDSL applications in there. Much easier to put them on the pen drive, and if you want one, such as AbiWord, then you know were to find it.

A small problem with backups. It won't.
I get "invalid device" errors on any partition.


Did you use the mount app? If so, did the light turn green?
Also, I would cd to "/" and then cd to "mnt" and see what partitions
were detected by DSL.
I get 8 different ones, including the sda1 for the pen drive. The others are
linux and windows 98 partitions on the various hard drives installed in the
computer. If the partition you want shows up, the mount app should show it
when you use the arrows to go through them.
Restoration should not require you to mount the partition beforehand, however.
Menu -> System - > Backup/Restore. Just give the partition "hda2" for instance.
Don't use the /dev/hda2 as in the older DSL 7x versions.
It should work. Also, review your /home/dsl/filetool.lst and see if it has what you
want to save. (see mine above).
I have not tried all this in 0.8.3, but I doubt it would have been released if the
restoration and did not work.

Screenshot 0.8.2, remaster.
Now, I can get busy on 0.8.3!

I really love the improvements in 0.8.3! Great!
I downloaded it last night, and played with it. One thing came up though, as I tried to do a hd-install. I selected enhanced, but it seems as if the scripts are not updated according to the newly organized mirror, so I couldn't get an enhanced install through the script. I guess this is just a small issue in the script that could easily be corrected.
Another thing I wonder about: it seems that 0.8.3 automatically loads any backup it could find, without me adding 'dsl restore=hda2' or something like that to the boot. Is this supposed to be so? I can see that it is nice sometimes, but I started up the cd with a usb-stick attached, and on this stick I had an old backup, which automatically loaded. Is there any way to not load a backup-file if it is present?

But, again, these are only small issues! I really love the improvements. The new control panel is great, and I think the new organization of the mydsl-apps in the mirrors is also very good! Great job!!!



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