Site News :: DSL v4.4.7
Right! Updating gnu-utils fixed the mount issue.
The backup error message was simply that I've deleted /opt/ as per instructed in post 1, but forgot to remove it's entry in .filetool.lst .... all is good... 
I would also support a request to get volume control back in the corner arrangement...
The backup script does not work if there are empty lines in .filetool.lst and also if a file or dir listed in the file does not exist.
legalize cannabis, coke, eroin...
That is true and one should correct their filetool.lst
filetool.lst is not a script. No blank lines allowed.
One cannot also use # for comments.
filetool.lst is simply a list of files and directories that should be backed up.
So clean up your list and then backup will proceed cleanly.
You can always open a shell and run filetool.lst backup and watch as the files are displayed during backup and see the areas that might need cleanup.
the default filetool still contains so the backup fails, and the message invalide device is not correct. the correct error messagew should be: check your filetool
legalize cannabis, coke, ero.
yup it was the in my filetool, too. all good now.
i put
execi 10 cat /tmp/backup_status
in my .torsmorc but in retrospect it doesnt really help much.
as a suggestion, how about a "test backup" option rather than having the "shutdown leap of faith" ie just checking if the files are accessable.
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