Site News :: DSL v4.2
Change log for v4.2
* New mtpaint replaces xpaint.
* New black/blue theme with "Fractal Movements" background.
* New folder for better support of Visual Styles for JWM .jwmrc-theme and downloadable themes.
* New setTheme.lua, drag-n-drop or double click application style.
* New folder for better support of backgrounds, downloadable "DSL Classics"
* New generic folder.xpm link for easier themeing of folders.
* Updated wallpaper.lua, drag-n-drop or double click application style.
* Improved support for JWM keybindings with .jwmrc-keys
* Improved support for battey names in torsmo, fetched from /proc
* Improved handling of multline menu items as MyDSL folder application shortcut icons.
* Improved cleanup of shortcuts upon normal shutdown.
* Fized bug so that /cdrom/mydsl is not processed twice.
* Fixed "?" icon to open "Getting Started"
* Updated iconViwer for mtpaint change.
* Many icons have been changed, updated, or replaced.
* Updated /opt/.dfmext with more associations.
* Cleanup of xmms when started from dfm icon.
* Cleanup of usused files, modules, and directories (pnp,xfs, hfs,hfsplus,bfs,befs,adfs,ujs,minix,efs)
Files that have changed and likely in your backup (since v4.1).
File that have changed since 4.2RC1
looks like a great update!
going to install it tomorrow!
thx for your efforts to make us a cool linux-system 
Hello Robert!
I've tried this version both on my 2GB usb stick and now on my 512MB usb stick but not in any of them there appears an entry for optional extensions. They both have FAT16 fs and a single partition. Am I doing something wrong? With DSL 4.1 RC3 I got two entries of optional extensions and now none. I might mention that they are discovered during boot but still no entries in the menu. As usual I'm using the embedded version.
Hope this can be solved and have fun,
Xmms thru dfm still results in libasound errors at shutdown.
Same as with 4.2rc1
To me it's just a minor detail.
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