Site News :: As noted, we're releasing DSL-3.0.1
The only difference with this release and 3.0 is that unionfs is an option, and not set by default. We are currently working on the incompatibility of our Firefox build with unionfs.
I already have to use legacy, cause that unionfs just gives me to many problems on this machine. So i'm all set. Wow, that means i was up to date before you was.LOL 
Kerry, what problem were unionfs causing?
Hey jhon, I couldn't figure out what the exact problem was. For some reason the problems seemed different from boot to boot. The one that was constant was if i use the /tmp for extentions everything would lock up. So i didn't use /tmp i used /opt instead. Other times i would have problems with mount a "to many files mounted message". I also found a problem with a file called with apt-get) that would just run on forever until the memory filled up and crash. So i just finally let it go and only booted with legacy, which never gave me any problems. Jhon, i'm sorry i can't be more exact on the problems or the cause, i spent day's trying to figure it out, once i realized there was a problem and started looking for the cause the system would slowly become unusable or just crash so i could never pin point the cause. I've used other distro's that have unionfs and only get problems with DSL's unionfs so i don't think it's my computer. I have DSL set up to run in QEMU on my Xubuntu install so i can try and figure out the problems, but have had no luck.Take care.
I also have had problems of unstablility with DSL-3.0 stable. I posted two of them today when trying to solve them, and I would report the results of my last try, when I see unfortunatly, that my two last posts were no more in the forum (I don't know why, because they were there a couple of hours before).
Anyway, I try to describe the problem again: when I install a unc extension at boot with DSL-3.0 stable frugal installed (I tried with samba, gtk2 and opera), DSL wants to write them to /opt, but it sees that they already exists and report an error; at startx though, the extension have been installed and seem to work perfectly. But after a short use of opera (f.ex. 2 hours), opera freeze and I have to reboot DSL. I spent a lot of time to figure out the problem, but I just don't know why these unc extensions give me this error message at boot.
The instability of firefox was also a problem for me followed by error messages at shut down concerning the opera and samba unc's extension (DSL says it can't unmount them). So, I decide to make a fresh frugal install of DSL 2.4. Everything works fine, since I want to load openoffice.uci; I'm going to emelfm and I am clicking on openoffice (as I usually do): nothing happens. Moreover, I didn't see any "mydsl" button in emelfm, which is normally there in this release, as if some properties of DSL-3.0 have been kept while installing 2.4.
I am telling me: it's my system. I make then a new partition of my hd with new formating and new install of DSL-3.0.1. Everything is fine, but the installation of unc same extensions, which gives me the same error message at boot. I'm back to the beginning and, sorry, but I'm not able to find out the cause.
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