Site News :: DSL 2.1
I'm in the process of downloading it now, it will be up on linuxtracker in about 15 minutes.
A new torrent has been uploaded.
Name: Damn Small Linux 2.1b
Size: 49.85 MB
Category: Damn Small
Uploaded by: tracker
Damn Small Linux 2.1b has been released. From the changelog: "New SATA boot time support; new Icontool GUI controls many icon features; new docked.lua - Lua dock apps - mount and dMix replace and wmix; mew mount.lua - Lua GUI disk mount tool; new dMix - Lua GUI sound mixer; mew ucitool.lua - Lua GUI lists UCI mounts & allows easy deinstall of UCIs; new Torsmo replaces asmem, wmcpuload, & wmnet to better support both window managers; new Ted replaces Flwriter; new .xpdfrc - to support direct printing from Xpdf; new links - Lua links download wrapper; new added Thai keyboard support...."
You can use the URL below to download the torrent (you may have to login).
Whats up all just wanted to stop by and ask can I use DSL run it Live cd then go on a curropter windows 98 and Backup some important information and doc? Sorry for the N00b questions just starting out with Linux Distros
Please start a new post for this question.
Thanks a lot to John, Robert and all the other contributors! 2.1(b) is an excellent new version of DSL!!! Really great!
And personally I would like to thank you in particular for bringing back my dear 'Teddy'. Now we have a really good word processor again. Welcome back Ted!!!
Do I have to remind you how easy it is to create quality pdfs with Ted? Just write your document, choose print in the file menu, opt for print to file, fill in a file name. This will create a *.ps file. At the command line you just type 'ps2pdf *.ps', and there you have a very nice pdf file. If you want to check out the quality of the pdf file, just open it in acroread or another pdf viewer where you can zoom in really good. It's great!
But that was slightly off topic... Sorry :-)
Thanks again guys! Excellent job!!!
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