DSL-N :: unable to run downloaded apps
I don't recall that the extension browser in DSL-N is pointing at the DSL repository - maybe it would be good to check that you have the latest version of DSL-N, rc4.
You can check the version of DSL/DSL-N by using the control panel and clicking on the "stats" tab - the version number should be somewhere near the top.
System Stats lists my DSL-n version as 0.1. I downloaded this version from:
So I guess you're right. I was switching from DSL to DSL-n so I could get my ethernet and wireless ethernet working at work and home and also have the ability to boot within qemu and from my USB directly. I guess I'll go back and try the latest RC4 release. Thanks for the help
*feels really dumb for not noticing the version difference yesterday*

original here.