Release Candidates :: DSL-2.0RC1
alsa ".o" driver modules are compiled for a specific kernel version, so the alsadebs.dsl extension will not work with 2.0rc1
The alsa deb packages were taken from KNOPPIX 3.4 with very little tweaking on my part.
Unfortunately, KNOPPIX is now exclusively based on the 2.6 kernel so I can't just steal them from a newer version of KNOPPIX.
It might be possible to get them from a Debian branch (experimental?), but otherwise a recompile from source and then repackaging the files with the autodetection scripts will need to be done from scratch, and at the moment I am not ready to take on a task with this level of involvement.
Any takers?
MS TrueType Corefonts stopped working in 2.0RC1
Just starting to experiment with 2.0RC1 and the first thing I noticed is that MS TrueType Corefonts stopped working in 2.0RC1
Back on 1.4 and 1.5, with great assistance from the forum, I was able to get MSTrueType Core Fonts up and working.
This is the thread:
This is my .xinitrc file which worked in 1.4 and 1.5:
(I know there is some extra fluff, but it is wip.)
# put X windows programs that you want started here.
#Set MS Font Path
#xset +fp /opt/msttcorefonts/TrueType &
sudo ln -s /opt/msttcorefonts/TrueType /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts
xset +fp /opt/msttcorefonts/TrueType
# Be sure to add at the end of each command the &
if egrep -qv noicons /proc/cmdline 2>/dev/null; then &
fluxter -w &>/dev/null & &>/dev/null &
asmem -withdrawn -bg black -fg white -memory red &>/dev/null &
wmcpuload &>/dev/null &
wmnet -w &>/dev/null &
wmix &>/dev/null &
#Turn off welcome screen
#dillo /usr/share/doc/dsl/getting_started.html &>/dev/null &
#Remove extra FireFox icon-turn off for now 10-15-05
#rm -f /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/Firefox.lnk
#rm -f /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/Firefox.gif
#Add icons to desktop
cp /home/dsl/.GREG/addicons/* /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/
#Initialize mouse
xset m 5 2
#Start firewall
# /usr/bin/start_firewall &
fluxbox 2>/dev/null
Thanks and Please Keep up the GReat Work.
works fine, but the intalation of hsp modem "last chance III" was with the added problem of no presence of modversion.h in the new modules...żwhere are? . I download the modules and the source but i dŽnt see...
the next experience is to return to work the zaapa wlan usb in the new kernel , task for monday (in Spain).
saludikis (salud y kikis) 
I don't think this is specific to the RC, but I noticed it when testing.
Why does running DSL live on a system that has DSL frugal installed default to using the installed /opt and /home? Seems to me that the safe thing is to not use it in case the new version trashes X or desktop settings. A few people have questioned why their Firefox wouldn't work testing the RC. There's all kinds of potential problems with mixing versions. If someone wants to use their existing /home, they should supply it on the boot line. Otherwise DSL Live should default to running as if it's on a clean system, instead of requiring specification of the "norestore" option to force that.
It DOES use the installed /opt and /home. If you have a backup available, it will copy those files automatically, and it should be up to the user to prevent this from happening when testing. If you are upgrading you should always make an extra backup in case things go wrong...this is the situation in any system. The way I look at it it is easier to use the "nobackup" and "base" options for testing new versions than it would be to have to specify a backup and mydsl dir every other time.
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