Release Candidates :: DSL-2.0RC1
Did anyone look into the weird bug in Dillo where the CTRL-L to open a "goto url" window no longer works?
It's broken both in the hotkey and as a menu item in dsl-1.5
By the way, since the kernel is being updated, are any of the modules-as-extensions going to have to be rebuilt? Its a minor kernel rev, but it might be worth checking into before going live.
Since you are planning on no longer being on the 2.4.26 kernel, what out of date version of knoppix do I need to download to develop applications? 
Can you also update sqlite? Sqlite 3.2.7 is the latest and still keeps a low profile.
Two things I have to say:
1. NetHack finally works!
2. When I use my Lucent Winmodem (Stratitec IC56A, DSP1648c chipset), it dials with wvdial, but I can't get online.
I have just posted the syslinux version into the release candidate area.
We are not the authors of Dillo so don't post problems about Dillo here.
The purpose of this area. It is not for Ideas and Suggestions
If you are going to report a bug within the base DSL then be sure that I can reproduce it by including the following during your boot up.
dsl norestore base
I have already address the fact that extensions with modules will need to be rebuilt. Sources will be forthcomming...
We are just testing this process to include users at this level.
Thanks to those who participate and provide constructive input.
I was glad to see the addition of the LT winmodem support. I tested on an old compaq presario 5304 desktop, and everything seems to be working fine. Although, when I tested on my compaq presario 1610 laptop, the modem was not found?? I have had the internal modems working in both these computers with DSL 1.5 and precompiled drivers I found for the 2.4.26 kernel. Any idea why the laptop modem isn't detected?
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