Release Candidates :: DSL v4.0rc2
The second release candidate of DSL v4.0 is now available for testing.
Change log:
* New xtar.lua. A new GUI to view,extract or process as a MyDSL extension various tar files.
* New netcardconf.lua. A new GUI to configure netcards, relaces dialog version.
* New printing.lua, called from the printer icon, provides "intelligent icon" to handle all printing needs, from setup, start, stop, or print, double-click or drag-n-drop.
* New add2filetool.lua, add2Xfiletool.lua, add2bootlocal.lua provides smooth interface for these tasks, double-click or drag-n-drop
* New switcher.lua GUI to switch WM, jwm, fluxbox, or swm
* Added sudo to myprism2, myndis, myiwconfig so they can be run from home by double clicking.
* Updated minirt24.gz waitusb function.
* Fixed cloop error on traditional hard drive installations.
* Fixed background on several icons.
* Updated "Getting Started" with more dfm information.
* Fixed missing ext3 support.
* Updated with more warnings of its use of "sda"
* New rootMenu.lua sets root menu based on selected WM.
* Removed -zoom from .dfmext mplayer associations to better support older hardware.
I made many changes to the system which affect certain files that will likely exist in your 4.0rc1 backup. It is always best to test from a new pristine boot, but for those who want to try to 'upgrade' the following files and entire directories likely in your backup have changed:
good to see another build so soon. jus want to know is there any specific reason in choosing swm for DSL?
time 2 play... 
swm at 26k is tiny. Compare that to the others, jwm and fluxbox.
Adding swm provides DSL with the full spectrum of UI personalities.
From menu (application centric) icons or no icons to
A menuless, icon only, (document centric) system.
Currently I am using swm to walk-the-talk of drag-n-drop, double-click document centic computing. That's about 100% oposite of the typical application centric menu based system, where icons are more of an after thought or at most shortcut application start buttons.
My development goal was to achive this full spectrum UI in an under 50MB system maintaining the existing base DSL applications.
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