Release Candidates :: DSLv3.0RC2
this is awesome, i can't wait for the final DSL v3 release
when is it gonna be out ? 
suggestion for a wallpaper
heres one I made myself
if the link doesn't work try this one
hope you guys like it and maybe include it in a release 
Hey robert, i got past that unionfs. The problem is the /tmp file if i don't use it at all, i have no problems with uci or unc. Once i try and use the /tmp folder i'm screwed. Wierd huh. Did i mention on my system /tmp is a mounted folder? Should it be a mounted folder?
I cannot install the flash plug in neither in opera852.unc and opera850.uci, infact I cannot write neither on /ramdisk/opt/opera852/lib/opera/plugins /opt/opera850.......
I boot with a dsl boot floppy with the word frugal in the syslinux.cfg
legalize cannabis, etc
Roberts -
Many thanks for our help on the mis-match in /lib/modules/2.4.26
vs. 2.4.31... I did as you suggested yesterday in using "upgrade"
in the pendrive install - I get the same situation: Lots of
"Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.4.31/modules.dep" on bootup, as well as shutdown!
No pcmcia load during boot, even tho there is a good pcmcia
modem inserted; And no way to load "ppp" before or after
uname -a on the LiveCD (v3.0RC2) is 2.4.26 dated Apr. 17, 2004
uname -a on pendrive (from v3.0RC2) is 2.4.31 dated 8/29/05
...*both* have /lib/modules/2.4.26!!!
You mentioned there was a "mismatch" between KNOPPIX
images and "boot" files... And I'm a bit confused as to how
that could happen if I'm installing the USB boot *from* the
v3.0RC2 .iso image??? I don't see anything in the help files
saying to use various other installs for this process??!!
Thanks once again to all...
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