Release Candidates :: DSL v2.4RC1
to add to what MikShaw said: With 64 cloops, you can add up to 64 extra apps that are built in .uci format. Great thing about .uci built apps is they are compressed, so they take less CD space and they can be added to a custom CD you build yourself. You can trick the heck out of your own personal disk. make it as big as you want.
I used to test MyDSL packages and .uci and would add nearly everything to a custom .iso file and burn it to test. I think I filled 650 MB when I added the Doom and Quake stuff finally. But I had to add my own .wad files and data files for Quake. 
I don't have as much time to test these days, but I still watch the project. I just got 2.3 and it looks awesome! Current project is customizing SystemRescueCD and fixing some of their docs.
Well we have an excuse for turning everything into uci now
Thank you a lot Robert for this very nice release.
It works very well on my old PII and I get a lot of fun with rsync. 64 cloops looks amazing. I give you just some comment after a first look related on functions and apps which I use the most:
- 'Run program': it is a wonderful tool; is it possible to improve it in order to run every program you want to? f.ex. when I tip rdesktop or vnc, it doesn't run it
- rdesktop: is there an up to date version of this lovely program in order to get a better resolution than only 800x600?
- vnc: I find it not so useful as an application burned within the iso (there is a lot of problem with the vnc program and keyboard keys, which are not recognized as they should; it is most the case with european keyboard layouts); is it possible to make a dsl package of it and to provide it as an option of dsl only?
- fluxter: I find it very very useful; though, it is always impossible to point-and-click in one of the workspace-box in order to move to this workspace; you have always to click on the arrows near 'Workspace x' in the toolbar; is it possible to 'activate' the boxes of fluxter in order to move from one workspace to the other by poiting-and-clicking?
2.4 RC1 is at this stage very promising. Just keep up the good work.
Here we are again,
I did a frugal install of 2.4 RC1 and all works well (grub in the mbr and dsl on hda1, home, opt, mydsl on hda5, swap on hda6). At boot, something unexpected appened after the line 'checking apps in mydsl':
What does it looks for at sr0? for mydsl apps? After starting X, I just mount and unmount the Cd-rom, it works perfectly.
Sorry, this may be a bit off topic but was anything ever decided about the future of DSL? There was talk about different DSL's with different kernels or was it maybe a big DSL and a small DSL, I'm not sure.
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