Release Candidates :: DSL-2.1RC1
From iB::Replying in DSL-2.1RC1 - Mozilla Firefox
JWM did'nt start either, so it was definitly the restored settings..
On norestore all just the way, torsmo isn't as hideous as they did apear earlier in this topic... Its transparent, looks good, on a 800x600 screen it is default to wide...but as said: highly configurable. Joe's WM is very easy to use and clear, simple menus.....
I am going to test lan set-up and the wireless.....
(boys: you shure gave me a nice toy! Thnx alot, from testalot!)
Torsmo: if commenting something out, in .torsmorc, hash shows onscreen, instead of entrance is gone, +no changeable width.
Xmms, if started, the volume-control applet vanishes, and does not come back after close down xmms, and restart desktop.
the fluxbox is not working well, I can't use fluxbox 0.9.14 with pixmaps, the pixmaps are not display. The same with fluxbox 0.9.11wich is working well with an old DSL ?
someone have an idea ?

The release candidate area is for reporting issues/comments concerning DSL proper. fluxbox-0.9.11 is a user contributed extension. Please post issues with extensions in the MyDSL extension community area.
Sorry, I though that the bug come from the release and not the fluxbox itself !
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