System :: DSL 4 kernel headers ?
The `make dep` step should create it for you, although you could try to hack it by manually creating it.
I copied <modversions.h> and two other files from the old
kernelsource, but that did not work. There were many
different compiler errors afterwards.
So the next step (tomorrow) will be to try your suggestion:
<make dep>.
Hope that will do the trick :-)
Thanx for your help so far.
Dear pmisch:
The kernel source is normally installed at '/usr/src/linux-2.x.xx' and symlinked to '/usr/src/linux'. The kernel headers are normally at '/usr/include/linux/'.
For kernel source:
1. Unpack kernel source in '/usr/src/'
2. Make '/usr/src/linux' symlink: 'ln -s linux-2.4.xx linux'
3. 'make dep'
For kernel headers:
I don't think there is a MyDSL extension for kernel headers currently.
This page [] shows how to generate kernel headers easily. I can confirm that it works (was able to compile software with the new headers).
From my notes (and help from Curaga) that (the linuxfromscratch page) is how I built the headers when compiling the 2.4.31 modules in dsl-3.4.7 using compile-3.3.5.uci and the full 2.4.31 kernel sources.
It works !
Thank you all for your good advices
to make the kernel sources for 2.4.31.
I am so happy ...
Now I have compiled the needed kernel module
for my PCMCIA wlancard flawlessly and am online
writing this.
What I have done is:
1. Unpack downloaded kernelsource in '/usr/src/'
2. Make '/usr/src/linux' symlink: 'ln -s linux-2.4.31 linux'
3. 'make dep'
4. 'make symlinks'
5. 'linux/scripts/patch-kernel linux'
6. 'cd linux'
'make mrproper'
7. Copy 'modversions.h' over from old kernel-source.
Et voila..
The kernelsource was too big for my old system.
So I removed everything considered as unneeded
(looking in old kernelsource.dsl).
I zipped the resulting kernelsource and tested it several times.
Kernelsource-2.4.31.tar.gz is only 2MB -
I would like to make it available to all DSL-friends.
Could anyone please describe the exact procedure
to upload the kernel-source to the DSL-repository?
Meanwhile you can get the DSL-Extension HERE =>
kernelsource-2.4.31.dsl ~ 2 MB
as a small present to the DSL community who has given
me so much joy by using linux with DamnSmallLinux.

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