System :: Xampp & DSL
I started out with an old XP machine that ran like an old dog. Now that I have DSL, it has new life. I played around with Xampp today and got it to work (at a very basic level). This started out as a "I wonder if I can do it?". Now that I've proven to myself that I can make it work, I've come upon the answer to the next question, "What am I going to do with it?"
I'd like to create a webserver to put up family information to share with geographically distant friends and relatives. Pictures, individual blogs maybe. But I'd like to restrict access only to designated friends and family. I don't want any of the wierdos that stalk the Net to end up stalking my family.
So anywho, I'm looking for suggestions on where to start. Any ideas?
How about reading Apache's docs about password protection?
The config files are also very helpful, lots of comments. Search for "htaccess"
Ugh. One step up, two steps back.
1) I'm looking for a good source of Appache documentation. So far it's been either waaaaaaay too technical or too high level ('application used in web development') Any hints?
2) So I'm looking and finding that NVU would be a good thing to get. So I get it. Guess at which tar to download, unload it. Following the instructions and see that I need some libraries. Shows the yum command to get them. Run the command: unknown command 'yum'. I track down yum; download it. Run Make Install (labeling me a masochist, according to the comments). I see yum in the same directory as all the other cool linux commands, but know I get Python complaining when I try to run it.
Lordy, lordy, what have I gotten myself into? Writing FORTRAN code is starting to sound fun, again.
Yum is Fedora's package tool, not at all compatible with DSL.
For NVU, it's a good editor, but needs some Gnome libs. The easiest way would be to get one of the gtk2 extensions, and dpkg from mydsl. Then do "apt-get --install nvu"
I personally code web pages with Nano, it has syntax highlighting and all 
But it's only a text editor, you might want something like nvu..
Apache's page for password protection is here, but I get what you mean by it looks technical.
Maybe this explains it better?
Way cool! It worked. Thanks.
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