System :: XFree86 on IBM Thinkpad 380XD
finally got it figured out. i downloaded xf86config.dsl and loaded it. i thought it would automatically start some config proggy, didn't know ya had to run "xf86config" from terminal. after that, setup was pretty easy and Xfree86 is now running 
Just wondering - which video driver are you using now (maybe just standard vesa)?
If you don't want to go through the config file, I suppose you could attach it somewhere, if you don't mind.
scratch XFree86 on the lappy, ain't really worth it. The generic Xfdev drivers with a resolution of 800x600, does pretty good or better that XFree86, as far as I can tell. I was trying to get a better refresh on the lcd, but it don't support very good refresh. So, I'll just stick to Xfdev.
I did get my sound working though, did an apt-get for sndconf. The sound really ain't all that great. But then again, it wasn't all that great with Win98se installed. I'm not complaining to much about it, I love DSL. If it wasn't for some of my programs that have to run on Windoze, my main pc would be running some distro of linux (most likely Ubuntu). The thing about DSL is, I get the feel of running linux. It's a little harder, well maybe more manual config than the other distros, but thats the way I'd prefer to learn it. The more you know about term commands, the easier it would be on the bigger, more "user friendly" versions. Besides, if I just totally screw up the system, it's not that much to reinstall. Since I have all my apps and edited config files backed-up on another partition (learned that from running Windoze), it don't take but about 15-20 min to have it back to where it was before. 
DSL 4.2.5
Thinkpad 240
neomagic 2160
I'm having a similar issue. I got xfree86.dsl installed then it complained about Meta in the cfg file so I removed it. Then it complained about no driver line, so I added one. Now it's saying that the driver "neomagic" isn't valid for the chipset "neomagic" :\
Please post your XFree86.conf at and link it here, so we can take a look.
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