Net :: Xmule
I'm running the xmule.dsl extension which is a version 1.8.2.
When I try to connect to a server I receive an error: "Your edonkey client is too old, please update it". What to do about this error? Is it possible to run a fresh dl of xmule?
I also get an error saying my (tcp) port 4662 is unreachable.
How can I make DSL listen to this port?
This part I believe is due to my linux ignorance - so this should be pretty straight forward if one knows what to do ...
I need some iptables command ...?
Yes, I have searched the forums from the beginning, but I have not been able to find an answer.
Thanks in advance
Dear all
I am experiencing a similar problem and not able to connect to any xmule server too. I am running DSL 1.5 HD install and have downloaded xmule.dsl (version 1.8.2) from the Mydsl. I also have a wireless router.
Basically after pressing the CONNECT button all the connection to the servers are either lost or timeout.
If I try to search for a file it tells me that I am not connected to a server.
Do I need to change some setting on the wireless router (belkin54g)? I do not seem to get the error messages on ports that Multitudes has.
Do I need to install something else?
Any suggestion as always is very wellcome
Thanks and happy DSL
You probably have a firewall on your router. What you would need to do is log into your router and open tcp port 4662. I believe that belkin routers are preconfigured with the following default settings.
user: Admin
P/W: There is no default password
If that doesn't work try checking here for your specific model number. Once you are logged into the router, you should be able to find an area that allows certain ip address access to specific ports. Since I don't have a Belkin router at hand, I can't guide you step by step; but hopefully the above website will show you how to forward a port for eMule.
Good Luck,
i had the same problems. I run mldonkey now. works fine
mldonkey under dsl?
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