The Testing Area :: February Extensions
I've made a new version of teamspeak client, u can find ithere
legalize cannabis, etc.
Pending posting in the repo, here's a bz2 tarball containing mutella-0.4.3.dsl
This might help those unable to run java-based gnutella clients like Limewire/Frostwire. Not tested much.
Salient points from the info file:
Sometimes very slow to connect on first run -
takes 10-30mins on my connection, so be patient,
but once up it's fine. The knack to using this
seems to be learning both the terminal commands
(only need 'info' 'find whatever.mp3' 'get' and 'exit'
for basic use, and the web browser GUI for managing
downloads. Don't expect something as easy as Limewire-
Frostwire but it works and there's no java!
I've added fresh GWebCaches as there were no defaults.
When these die you can update them in the config file
from eg
for setting username/password to the GUI, opening the GUI
for remote connection etc.
I got carried away with the startup script and it will
get your external ip and set it in the config file, since
I had an idea that might speed things up.
Note mutella has a peculiar interaction with its config file
- you must use the 'set' cli command to affect most configurations
and mutella will overwrite some in the config file (eg IP) as
it pleases and not others, which need manual editing.
Built from binary rpm using aliendebs with debian dependencies
Oops! - fix for some silliness if you try to start mutella while it's already running:
Thanks. =) I'll join as a beta-tester. 
Just wondering, but is there something wrong with the emacs extension? Would be nice if it could make it into the testing area so I can find out if there are bugs in it that I haven't found.
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original here.