The Testing Area :: Still more may extensions
New extensions in the testing area.
1. abc.dsl
2. no-ip.dsl
3. eciadsl-usermod-0.11.dsl
4. john-
5. nmap-4.03.uci
Read their info files for more.
Thanks to all who contributed.
Also, please note:
I have moved many extensions out of testing into the other categories.
The last of the May bunch.
1. Skype with fixes
2. tuxrip.uci
3. xvid4conf-gtk2.dsl
4. steghide.uci
Check them out. Read the info files.
Many interesing extensions submitted.
Thanks to all for your contributions.
new gcc1 is cool. 
tuxrip.uci and xvid4conf.dsl are not much use without mplayer-1.0pre8cvs.uci which contains mplayer, mencoder, transcode, oggmtools and other stuff.
Robert probably missed it amidst the hurly burly of his inbox. Pending posting it can be downloaded here, may have to wait as they delay downloads for non paying, non toolbar users, sorry
Here is the final May extensions.
1. mplayer-1.0pre8cvs.uci ( As mentioned above. )
2. amaya.uci
3. abc.dsl ( an update )
Thanks to all who the time to make and share these with the Community.
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