DSL Tips and Tricks :: A quick guide on compiling XOrg 7.0 on DSL

Quote (curaga @ Oct. 03 2007,14:40)
I thought the ones currently in mydsl can already change the refresh rate?

Ha. Probably, but I want to test the Xati one first, since I would get most use out of it.
So far the testing is not going that great:
Code Sample
$ /mnt/sdb1/source/xorg/kdrive/Xi810 -mouse /dev/psaux,5 -screen 1024x768x24 -nolisten tcp
no matching card found
Fatal server error:
Linux Init: Server must be suid root
[with a PCI:*(0:2:0) Intel Corp. 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device rev 2]
$ ls -l /mnt/sdb1/source/xorg/kdrive/Xi810
-rwsrwxr-x 1 root root
$ $ /mnt/sdb1/source/xorg/kdrive/Xvesa -mouse /dev/psaux,5 -screen 1024x768x24 -nolisten tcp
Fatal server error:
Linux Init: Server must be suid root

Is your sdb1 mounted nosuid?
If this is how you check for that, then:
Code Sample
$ cat /etc/fstab | grep sdb1
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1 ext2 noauto,users,exec 0 0

Try setting it to setgid root too..
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