Cool Things :: dsl can of beer monetary system
these post is to improve relations betewen dsl members around the take a can of beer with friends its normal in real life but to do the same in a virtual space www its more complicated...but no impossible...with a monetary currence to translate a dsl can of beer and a e-money service you can send beers over the world to dsl friend members that can drink with another dsl members in local nodes or in the solitude geeks pass of a virtual dsl comunity to real its a goal to achieve, at least to me...and begin with this funpost that i wait to be answer by the dsl comunity over the world..
the first stage its to obtain information of the cost of can of beer in a normal food market and bar around the countries in national money and translate to dollars and euros, a reference of labour cost by month,of a normal worker, can be ilustrative also...
the data base sheet can be these one.
cost of a can of beer national money unit equiv euros or $
in a normal bar xx.x xx.x xx.x
in a food market xx.x xx.x xx.x pay per month to a normal worker xxxx xxxx xxxx
the second part its to discuss a safelly pay system ...

country:Spain (Cantabria)
cost of a can of beer national money unit equiv euros or $
in a normal bar xx.x xx.x xx.x
in a food market 0.63 eur xx.x xx.x pay per mounth to a normal worker 1000 xxxx xxxx
Is that San Michel? I just bought a 12 pack of Michelob at the grocery store for $10.
country:USA (Arkansas)
cost of a can of beer national money unit equiv euros or $
in a normal bar
$2.75 xx.x 1.83 eur
in a food market
$0.83 xx.x 0.55 eur
pay per month to a normal worker
not much after state and federal taxes xxxx xxxx
Cost of a can of beer depends on brand, can be hk$2.5 for nasty almost water brand to hk$10 for top quality foreign brand.
Cost of normal worker is also similar although the quality doesn't change. But here goes anyway,
country:Hong Kong
cost of a can of beer national money unit equiv euros or $
in a normal bar hk$30 2.5 eur us$3.8
in a food market hk$5 0.41 eur us$0.64
average salary hk15000 1247 eur us$1924
How we can do a e-pay system,to transfer e-beers,with dsl forum usernames and paypal or another e-pay system that serves to help dsl project with a partial tax (20% of the transfer)...i think is the first e-breevery project...
its needed it, also in currency values of beers over the world...
pda if there is problems with alcoholism can be checked the box 0.0 in type of beer in the ticket to print...
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