Cool Things :: FreeSoftwareMagazine
I've gotten through a couple issues now and have found this a pretty good read. It's not all Linux. Interesting mix of articles and fiction.
From their website:
About Free Software Magazine
Free Software Magazine is the only magazine worldwide that is dedicated to the promotion of free software as a whole.
Our website is based on the fantastic free software Drupal CMS.
For more information on what we mean by "free software" visit the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
What we do
* We publish high quality articles that are free to read and download.
* Our authors also have their say in the Free Software Magazine blogs.
* We review free software related books.
* We also release newsletters that cover free software related news and events.
Our goals
Our aims are:
* to promote free software and its use; and
* to educate the global community in the use of free software.
There is a good article for DSL on issue 10, GRUB tips and tricks. A must-read for the one who is using DSL on USB stick. 
I hadn't gotten to issue 10 yet but I browsed through it after reading your comment. It looks like a good issue (even has a screen shot of DSL in the Grub article). It has an interesting write up on X server also.
Hi newOldUser!
Thanks for the tip. I've downloaded all issues and started reading.
Have fun,
original here.