Cool Things :: DSL menition on the IBM site
The IBM Linux website has a lot of very good Linux reference articles. Check out their LPI certification series, very informative.
They now have mention of DSL with this short review. Small distro ... big punch
Thanks for sharing.
The big guys are noticing our little distro.
Excellent article
<!-- better than the official documentation, eh eh -->
I expect an IBM-funded 'DSL Enterprise 2007' :-)
DSL is mentioned in the Linux Toys II book, not sure who wrote it.

Solid article
I always liked IBM..(after they posted the specs of the xbox360 cpu on the front of the site I fell in love with 'em!) 
I use XDSL on my xbox and I can't wait for an excuse to buy a 360..(Hmmmm triple core PPC processor)
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