Programming and Scripting :: Camsort
Here is a screenie of my first (and only so far) perl-gtk gui program, written a couple of years ago, running on dsl.
This has languished on my hard drive, never getting past its first version though apparently fully functional. Today I had cause to get it out again so thought I'd share.
Basically it sorts digital camera jpegs by any of the EXIF headers that it recognizes:
camera make-model (together)
camera make
camera model
file size
flash used
focal length (useful for finding macro lens shots or landscapes)
ISO equivalent
metering mode
Might be useful for photobuffs in comparing what works under different light conditions, or just for working out what camera you used for what set of pics.
This is the type of task that Perl is pretty good at (which is not to say that my code is not babytalk, 'coz it probably is).
It has a simple interface which is easy to use. The output can be saved as a file (necessary for large numbers of pics) and examined. I ran it once on about 10,000 pics or something on a friend's dvd without problems (took a while to finish!)

original here.