Programming and Scripting :: C question
It came today. I just put it together and set clocks; right now it's booting Knoppix toram for stability testing.
...And Aero64 is 80% finished; it's now a full CLI environment, and the process has started. It's way faster than my old comp. 12000 BogoMips 
The rest to add is just cream to the cake, X, a WM etc. I think I'll try E17, it looks so beautiful in the videos ;)
Sounds nice
E17 is very interesting, I have run it on my RedHatty install but that usually has KDE for kapps that won't seem to build or run on anything else. The uci in the repo runs on dsl too.
There's a commercial cut down derivative of E17 for embedded systems and other linux with all sorts of built in media support and fancy transitions etc made by FluffySpider in Australia - its libraries are only ~600K. You'll find it running on various MIDs and set top boxes etc.
It ran the same amount in 5.4 days as the old laptop in 44 days, thus making it 8.15 times faster. My guess was pretty close ;)
This seems to be turning to my blog.
X is up and running, so is E17, and some apps, such as epdfview and Mplayer. It also feels nice to have 4x compiling speed compared to the old laptop while at the same time running the cracking processes that put load averages to 18 ;)
Enlightenment is really beautiful. Beauty at my fingertips, wasn't it. The next apps I need are some officy-ish like Abiword and Gnumeric, and then the question of a browser. I'm torn between Opera 9.5 beta and Firefox 3.0 beta. Opera fan, but 9.5 is too buggy currently. FF 2 would also be a choice, but who wants to use something that old ^^
Then the bad sides: the graphics card. Ati Rage II+dvd. While being advanced for the time, it's too limited for anything but desktop use. No Xrender acceleration. No 3d acceleration. XV is limited to 720- pixels wide movies. On the plus side, the lack of XV doesn't stop me from doing anything; I tested a 1080p H.264 trailer and it ran smoothly.
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