Programming and Scripting :: Help with PHP
Hey people I'm new to all this and I can do XHTML and CSS but I want to learn a scripting language and I thought that PHP would be the best but I've never had any experience with programming languages so could you guys give me an idea on where to start with PHP and MySQL!!!
I have designed my sites fully with PHP.
I started to learn it accidentaly.
I wanted a neat PHP script that will list all the files in a directory, show their sizes and show each file download count.
Ok i managed to find one. But as time passed I wasn't satisfied with the features it had. So I started to edit it by myself. Finally I got what I wanted. But code was a one big mess, so I decided to write whole new script from scratch.
Now I have designed a search engine, image gallery etc. I have to say: PHP is very easy to learn and yet it's powerful.
In two months I had enough skills to make whole site with user selectable colo scheme also including those gallery and download scripts...
Now to the point. Mostly I learned all my skills from THE manual:
Second best was, the obvious, Google. ;)
Happy scripting.
- Zucca
Yes, various people have told me to visit but I find it difficult since I have absolutely no coding experience except HTML/XHTML and CSS.
Though, I would like to ask you a question. Is it possible you could code me a script for people to upload images? Or anyone else? I already have a design, name etc. I just need the script. I'm starting my own little image hosting site. Next month I'm going to get paid hosting and a domain. I get three domains for free and 60GB of space and 500GB data transfer all with seperate FTP users if I like and 50 MySQL databases, so for the one who codes this and helps me on it could choose between being on the project along with me or having 15GB and his own domain for free...
EDIT: This is my incomplete site (old one not the image host one) It may not load because it's at a free host and not a very good one at that.
I suggest you to search pre made PHP image uploading script.
I could do that also, but right now I spend my time with my server.
I have planned to do something like that. But not until I install my Gentoo system back.
If it comes to PHP scripting I need jEdit. 
Ok. Anyone else has some suggestions where I could also get some good information/tutorials on PHP and MySQL. I will use your advice and find a script Zucco...but I have no clue how MySQL works either
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