Programming and Scripting :: Aliases
Where ever I put my alias settings they wont work. But If I type it by hand to console it works just fine...
What to do?
Where do you put them?
Generally they are put in .bashrc. One thing you may want to check is whether or not you put them within the "if [ "$PS1" ]; then..." block. I haven't tested this to verify, but it's my understanding that anything inside this block will not apply to scripts.
Thanks. =)
I had put all my aliases to .bash_profile. ;)
In that way I can start vnc server for other accounts at startup? Do I get it right?
Didn't work there either... 
I'm not sure I'm following you. Are you sure you understand what Bash aliases are? They don't really serve much purpose outside of Bash, and they don't apply to any other accounts (by this do you mean different linux users other than 'dsl'?).
Maybe these aliases you have are specific to another program (vnc, for example)? If this is the case then I can only make guesses unless you explain exactly what you're trying to accomplish.
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