Hardware Talk :: Setting up Mini-ITX
I want to put together a Mini-ITX system. I'm planning to order the EPIA-5000 motherboard and a MOREX 3677 Mini-ITX Case and use a CF card with the IDE adapter.
To do a frugal install can I simply partition the CF card and copy over the files from the .iso?
Any other tips? Suggestions? Thanks.
Well the parts have been ordered (case/motherboard/adapter from the DSL store). I've been reading as much as I can to prep for everything arriving. I had a question about the EPIA-5000 motherboard from those who have experience with the board, if I set up a USB Pen drive with DSL does it support booting from the USB? Seems like that would be the easiest method to get the machine booted up and then I could install from there to the CF/IDE card.
Nevermind, I found John's compatibility list and answered the question myself.
Still open to any tips or suggestions of things I should do or keep in mind. This is my first Mini-ITX project so I'm learning as I go. Hopefully the monitor/mouse/keyboard I'm planning to use will work fine. 
wish i could could provide tips, etc, but i do not have a mini-itx. however, it would be nice to live vicariously thru someone else if you could provide your experiences as you move thru this project. i'm sure others would like to hear about it as well.
Sure. I'll post more once the parts arrive.
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