Hardware Talk :: Nano availability?
Does anyone know when the Nano mobo will be available?
Thanks, Jeff
All I have heard is... "Within the next three months."
Thanks, their original estimate was mid-September.
I would rather have it later than buggier!
Thanks, Jeff
Hi guys,
There have been delays on the manufacturers end. First I was under the impression that it would be mid-September, then I was told mid-October, now they say mid-November. With the delays there seems to be building pressure on the incoming supply. I pre-ordered a conservative bunch and the manufacturer has our payment.
I have not yet charged anyones credit card and I will not until I have the DSMs in our supply. If anyone wants to drop there order just email me and let me know. I am not worried about this lot being sold out, it looks like the demand is high.
Hi John,
I certainly wasn't pressuring you on delivery. I'm still working on my new M10000 system. I was going to order a nano after they arrived. I'm on a school teacher budget. 
Your service is first rate!!!
Thanks, Jeff
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