Hardware Talk :: Trackpad and DSL.
I have laptop with trackpad mouse.
This happens randomly. Yes. Randomly.
Sometimes DSL regonizes when I double click with trackpad (With pad, not with buttons. Buttons still work always.)
Sometimes double clicking pad won't work. Only way (I have discovered) is to reboot. And sometimes it works just fine. I have configured mouse several times again and again when it does not work. Only rebooting will help. Somtimes I have to reboot several times in a row to make it work. This doesn't bother me much, but other DSL users may find this annoying.
Don't you think that this is kinda strange... Why it is RANDOM?
Oh. And single click also. So sometimes clicking won't work at all.
Buttons still work.
Perhaps it's an issue of how you have the touch pad set up?
For example, if you have a Synaptics or Alps touch pad you could use the synaptics driver with XFree86 and turn off clicking and double-clicking on the touch pad by modifying the XF86Config-4 file settings
DSL sets up my trackpad itself. 
Sure - DSL set up my touchpad itself also, but it was so annoying that I had to do something about it...
The issue with DSL setting up your touch pad is that (probably) you won't be able to turn off tap-to-click, double-tap-to-click, scrolling, adjust the sensitivity, etc etc.
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