Hardware Talk :: wireless keyboard
has anyone had any luck with wireless keyboards & dsl? i am looking for a wireless keyboard with embedded pointing device, and it must have a range of at least 25 feet. i have found several different keyboards out there, but most say they require winblows. would hate to dump a $100 bucks on one of these without knowing it would work under dsl. any help would be appreciated.
I used a Micro$oft wireless mouse with DSL and it worked fine, so I'm guessing the matching keyboard would too although I haven't tested it.
I bought this one, and it works well under DSL-N as well as on my Myth box.
Focus Keyboard/mouse.

The keys are a touch cramped, but it is ideal for a Myth box where it does not get used too much. The trackball is ultra fast though, had to turn it down some. (xset m 1 10& in .xinitrc)
I think they should all work. The receiver (RF or infrared) that plugs into the ps2 ports mimicks a common mouse and keyboard. Your pc doesn't know the difference.
btw small wireless keyboards+mouse are really hard to find. I had to resign to a french one, which has this weird layout...grrr 
It is pretty tough (near impossible?) to install with a USB keyboard. The first thing DSL does is a USB discovery, which hoses the USB support for both USB DVDs, as well as USB keyboards. I have to install with a standard keyboard, then move to the above one after X comes up.
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