Hardware Talk :: Fanless, Ventless case
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It appears in order to protect mobos from condensation they use conformal coating...thus running a mobo watercooled and refrigerated the condensation doesnt hurt it..this might be a viable solution for protecting the mobo..the drives..thats a different story
Weatherproof housings
The harddrives/periferial devices on the other hand are going to be the issue.
I would recommend a full enclosure or seal something like this
perhaps silica gel might also help ??
VoomPC Vehicle PC Enclosure
This looks very promising..to coat the mobo w/ conformal coating..now sealing a drive from the salt moisture...
However yes..conformal coat the mobo...use silicon to seal the backside of the "plugs" and bam, I can almost guarantee this sucker would be quite resiliant to salt moisture
Wow, thanks for the links-
The conformal coating idea is a good one- I suspect that would void the warrantee on the MBs though. A good idea for the boards I build myself though, and not a bad price on it.
I don't think my price point will support a full waterproof housing, but will be happy to look.
That "Hurricane" unit looks perfect for what I need. I'll track down a price, but I suspect it is out of my range too. 
The VoomPC has a fan and venting at one end, but I could block that. What I've not found for it is a heat-pipe for the processor. I suspect that a system would overheat without something pulling the heat off the processor and dumping it in to the case.
I'm also concerned about the NIC plugs. I'm thinking of maybe siliconing the plugs in or using silicon O-ring lube to seal the pins. I don't want to make a big mess for the customers to deal with though.
I'm trying to get the Serener GS-L02 on order so I have something to start with. It's the best match for my needs that I've found so far. Just finishing the details on the mother board and all before I commit.
Thanks a lot for the help-
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