Hardware Talk :: Question about two systems on the store
I thought you said you weren't trying to start an argument?
Who's trying to start an argument? I'm not the one who used snippy phrases like:
"If you look a the specs of the case and the (rather large) photos, then you will notice that the heat sink for the CPU touches the top of the case."
"If you read the description and look at the photos, it's pretty clear that there is very little space inside the case."
"I guess you didn't really mean that any help would be appreciated."
You seem to be trying to talk down on me and on top of everything else you are trying to make a funny at my expense with "I guess you didn't really mean that any help would be appreciated" comment. Did you honestly think your comments were going to go unnoticed? The truth of the matter is that the pictures are not clear enough. There looks like there is space for an HD, but I just wanted to make sure before I made the investment. Posting things like CF cards, CF to IDE adapters, USB drives and the such when I clearly stated in my first post that I want to use a "hard drive" is completely useless. It just seems people are just posting replies for the sole purpose of posting things no matter how irrelevant their answers are.
This entire fiasco would have been avoided if someone's contact information was somewhere/anywhere on the site. I still haven't been able to find any. I dread posting on forums because this is the type of replies that I get. Maybe I'm less tolerant than most other people, but, it does not mean that I'm wrong.
As far as I'm concerned, it's done and over with. Thanks for the help.
jeez....somebody needs a chill pill. relax, breathe deep, life is good. 
I'm curious myself as to whether 2.5" drives would fit, and after three pages in this thread I'm still not sure. I think deeztech has a point - the replies have been well intentioned but they don't answer the question. Deeztech: I wish you luck in your search. If you do find out one way or the other, I hope you'll be willing to share the answer here.
2.5 inch laptop hard drives
Most Mini-ITX cases require the use of a 2.5 inch hard drive, the size typically used in modern laptops. The one acception is the Cubic 2699 which is the only Mini-ITX case we know of with room for a full size hard drive.
Anyway, little cases take little equipment and these 2.5 inch drives are exactly what's needed if you are planning to use a little case or your own compact design.
This is from a review of the case used with the bare bone system.
Due to the size, you are forced to use a notebook style hard drive and optical drive, so any plans to use some of your old desktop components in here should be abandoned. But, if you want to build a small system in a “big” way, you might as well do it right and use the smallest components possible.
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