DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: wish list for the new version, dsl 5.0
Hi Robert!
Just a quick question about the tiny core project: Will the DSL 4.4 cycle come to it's end before you release the alfa of the tiny core? The tiny core project seems so exciting.
Have fun and hang on to the tiny core project,
EDIT: PS I'm not clinging to the DSL 3.xx anymore DS
Probably the first alpha of tiny core will post before a final 4.4.
Even though I would like 4.4 final out right away, because it is so much better than 4.3 due to the change in Lua/Fltk. I would like to have one more 4.4RC2 before final.
Hi again!
Thanks a lot for your response. I really look forward to the tiny core release.
Have fun making DSL progress,
Lots of progess to report.
Booting, backup/restore, loading .dsl and .tar.gz extensions, most of the menu and control panel updated. Running from live cdrom, running from pendrive.
It feels like DSL. Just app'less.
Seems most basic DSL functionality is working.
Last outstanding issue is to update lua/fltk to use current libraries. Currently I have had to "double up" by using the old libraries in DSL v4. I am working on this with help from Florian. Once this is resolved I will post the first alpha cut.
Be warned. Many will say it is too small!
My goal was to host the minimum to boot into Xvesa/Xfbdev + minimal window manager, and run Lua and Lua/Fltk to support much of the MyDSL extension system. No Gtk1. No Gtk2. Not many modules. Not many tools or libraries. Very bare bones. Not much more than busybox v.1.10.3 + kernel.
..sounds a bit like where I am with LFS (which I'm trying out to prepare myself for the new dsl) 
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