DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Poll: New boot logo for 4.0?
As there's a kernel update coming, at the same time it would be easy to change the boot logo (currently the default penguin above boot messages). It would be a great way to be original, I've only seen one distro change that, it was a one-floppyer but it had a nice look because of that.
I've created one pic I think would be worthy of DSL. (Tried many but this was only good one in my opinion) 
Tell me what you think. If you want to make one too, it must be 80x80 with max 224 colors..
Personally I don't care whether or not the image changes ever, but I really don't like your image. "Seal of Quality" is a marketing term intended to imply that some standard of excellence has been met when in reality there is no such standard.
Well, I thought the releases of DSL are well tested and thus even the RC releases are of good quality..
I have a similar objection as mikshaw's. DSL is offered without warranty. Since people unfamiliar with Linux and/or their hardware choices and how it works under Linux can have or create their own bad experiences, it's probably not a good idea to put anything like that which could be perceived in a manner inconsistent with its disclaimers of warranty.
FWIW and given what I've been reading in the "easier way to compile..." thread about how some extensions have been compiled against possibly incompatible libraries (it's not the kernel version that matters!!!), I wouldn't mind seeing such a designation (and even seal) given to things compiled natively in and for DSL.
As far as graphics go, I sent Robert a proof of a logo/wallpaper idea for DSL4 last week. It's used on the wallpaper in the screenshot I loaded while ago (sent to Robert with some variations in background colors and text), slightly tinted with the aterm over it. Any constructive feedback or does it totally suck?
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