Games :: DSL Game Forum
where can i download chess for DSL?
Also please specify the Dependencies link if any.
The MyDSL applications have an item named e-board which is a GUI chess game with a "engine" called "Crafty" which actually allows you to play against it without having to download anything else. They say Crafty is not too expert but it beats me everytime.
Good Luck
Thankx for the info
I'm trying to download the game:"Rocks'n'Diamonds" on DSL.
Whenever I run it,it starts loading the graphics,then it goes to the main menu and when I click anything,the game quits its self and I get a message saying:
rocksndiamonds sound server: cannot set fragment size of audio device -- no sounds
rocksndiamonds sound server: aborting
Does anyone know what to do????And while I'm at it if you know how to save
in rocks'n'diamonds,PLEASE tell me.

Does anybody know how to download those games on the MYDSL?
If anybody does can you tell me?
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