Games :: smaller & easier games for children
hi all
i installed dsl into good old 486 and i need some advice...
where can i find small & easy games for children?
i already found this great site:
MyDSL Repository
some of those games are quite large, and some don't even have
buttons for exiting the game... the kids don't know how to exit
those games and then they just simply boot dsl 
i would like to have games like puzzle, maze, point & click and
so on... so please ppl paste some good links.
oh, and thanx for dsl. now my life is a lot easier 
Did you try Xjig? If not, try the uci in comes with a gui and can use formats other than just gif (with imagemagick). If that one directory is the only one you saw in the repository, go up one and you'll find many more applications.
Supertux is kinda small for what it is (a supermario clone) nephew likes to play that one.
There are a number of smaller games in there. I agree that there should be more puzzles, but I personally haven't found many that are both small and fun. (no...tetris is not fun...)
Xgammon and xmahjongg and penta, a five in a row,are fun for all ages, if you are useing mikshaws jig.dsl then just right click the top of the window and chose kill client to exit or as mentioned try the uci. the included pegged game if not found yet may also be fun
Many games will accept the escape key as either a way to end the game or to access a menu of options.
I dont know how well a 486 would handle a GBA (Game Boy Advanced) emulator..but those games are quite fun...I believe they have the emulator in .dsl format
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