DSL Embedded :: VMWare free VM (sort of)
Can anybody help me?
I have an Samsung laptop and my mouse doesn't work!!!
Do i have to do special configurations?
Ok after one reboot it works 
Great work!
hallo, does this dsl embedded with this vmware vm make it possible to copy it to usb-stick (i have 256mb and one with 1gb) and run it from usb stick - with firefox, win97 and foxit?
i am looking for a way to separate my work on my .doc thesis files and be able to run firefox, winword97 and foxit or adobe reader with my settings from usb - stick, so i could use it where ever i found a working pc.
is this a possible way? and if, please can you post a realy realy simple explanation how - i browsed this forum extensively, but its realy for tech professionals knowing coding etc
thanks for answers
Went ahead and tried this out. Works perfectly. Had problems with the mouse but only because I thought I had an USB mouse.
Excellent! Fun to play with when work is slow!
i downloaded this and i try to run it but it asks me for
box login
wats do i type in for this it also wont let me type in the password feiled
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