DSL Embedded :: no screens found
My xfree86 is working only with XF86Config-4 example vesa. That is 60Hz (or less) so I still cannot look at monitor :-(
I tried svga_FB, but xfree86 gives me this message:
"server error: no screens found."
I googled on xf86config-4 and the name of my graphics card (Cyrrus Logic 9612) but did not find any example...
Under your section monitor make sure have a proper VertRefresh line.
Then maybe add it to your display mode i.e. "1024x768@75" or use custom modelines.
Although you might want to check your x log (i.e. /var/log/XFree86.0.log) and see if it can use those modes first...
Alternatively you can use xrandr (not included in DSL), or try that config tool in mydsl.
Or are you trying to get svgaFB working? Please clarify what you are trying to do.
Anyways, in this case you can also check the x log.
Check the back of your monitor and the manual of it too, one of them should list the frequency barriers.
If you don't have the manual, google for the monitor name.
When you've found the horizontal and vertical limits, put them to XF86Config, and it will use the best mode available with your screen 
PS: Since it's a CRT monitor (I gather), I bet you'd enjoy having the best resolution with at least 75Hz vertical refresh. I suggest you read the modelines howto from tldp.org/HOWTO, it will show you how
I installed Ffree86 using apt-get install xserver-xfree86 and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (it's becauce I followed Debian's localisation procedure description), but now another problem appears. X server does not start on user "dsl":
Fatal server error:
Cannot move old logfile "/var/log/XFree86.0.log.old"
When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
the full server output, not just the last messages.
Please report problems to submit@bugs.debian.org.
giving up.
xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server
xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.
X server starts normaly on super user (after command "su").
What shoud I change to have X on user "dsl"?
Are you running on a traditional HD install? If so, does the XFree86 binary have setuid set?
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