DSL Embedded :: Cron won't run
I looked in the forum how to install cron.I used apt-get to install it than I use the command /etc/init.d/cron start.
export VISUAL=beaver
and run
crontab -e
added for test purposes :
#run date every minute and log to test.txt
* * * * * /bin/date >> /var/log/test.txt
/etc/init.d/cron restart.
After a couples of minutes I looked for the test.txt file but nothing there.
Run ps -aux | grep cron
and yes the cron is running.Checked my syntax with crontab -l , and yes the cron is there.Whats wrong with my setup?I cant figure out why the cron job wont execute.Need help.
PS I run DSL 3.1 from a FlashCard.
I'm having the same problem...
Running DSL embedded off of a USB stick. Can't get cron to run the commands no matter what I try. Is this a known issue?
Here's a line from my crontab
0 21 * * * /home/dsl/screenoff.sh
Which is supposed to run screenoff every day at 9PM.
cron is running and crontab -l shows the correct schedule but nothing happens.
Please help! 
original here.